Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Farmer OUT-STANDING in his Field

Kevin will be going to Iowa all of next week for training because of some added responsibilites he has been given with just over 3 months on the job!
This is what makes him
out-standing in his field {wink}
He is really doing a great job and I'm grateful he's mine! I couldn't ask for a better provider and buddy. What lucky kids we're going to have!! And since I'd rather not sit here all to my lonesome while he's gone, I'll be going to Boise for a much needed baby planning/shopping trip with my sister Lisa. Hopefully us girls will be better about taking a few of those 'growing belly' shots that everyone requests. Because, believe me, it IS growing!

Shark Bait Oohaha!

What started as this...
Healed (in vain) to this...
And is now, this...
Thank heavens for having time on my hands! If not, I just may not have taken myself in to be cut open, not just once, but TWICE! Not everyone's idea of a good time? Well, it wasn't, but better safe than sorry. Lather up folks. I'm talking about the SPF 50.
I've had a small mole on my knee now for a few years and just recently I noticed a tiny change in it so I had it chopped out. Coincidentally (or not) my mom had one in the same spot that turned out to be melanoma back when I was about 2 years old. I guess it's in the genes/jeans (women most commonly get skin cancer on their lower leg). Pathology reports came back confirming melanoma so I signed myself up for round two and will now have a shark bite of a scar and will be getting to know my dermatologist quite intimately with regular check-ups. Who would've thought, I had skin cancer and absolutely NO tan to show for it! If you have any history of skin cancer, especially in immediate relatives, do yourself a favor and have a once-over by your doctor. Considering most of you reading this are my immediate family, just get an appointment now.

It's not half bad, my wound care instructions advised to avoid physical activity for the first 24 hours (read a book, watch T.V., or talk on the phone). Following Dr.'s orders I've been reading the Hunger Games and LOVE THEM!
I've been having nightmares about them lately. Kevin says that's not a very convincing book review, but you'll just have to read them to understand. I'm now reading the second book, Catching Fire, and can't wait for the third to come out next week. I'm past the 24 hour prescribed rest period, but think I'll drag it out a little longer.

Errr! I have removed myself from the blogging world temporarily because my obsessive compulsiveness does not do well with malfunctions. In the upper left hand corner of my blog is the very irritating saying "Cutest Blog on the Block" it is not! I have been trying to fix my background but my efforts have been in vain. No matter what cute background I attempt to upload, my background remains blank with a notice that 'the image has been moved or deleted'. In an effort to continue documenting current events in our lives, I'm going to turn a blind eye to this and figure it out later while I continue to post. Please do not judge me for how unkempt my blog is.