Monday, May 30, 2011

Cousins, and Softball, and Camping, OH MY!

We've had some fun adventures lately...
We visited some girl cousins in Boise~
Andy attended his first dance recital, don't let his face fool you...he loved it!
Dad's softball games are pretty fun to go to as well, the one thing that will make them better is when I get to steal money from mom and hit up the concessions~
After we saw Wicked (which was AMAZING!! I want to go again...and again...and again!) we took Andy on his first camp out. The wildlife was AMAZING! (no that's not a Cabela's shopping cart ;)).
This tent won't see us again until at least July. We froze our tooshies off!! Except Andy, he stayed cozy, just wasn't a huge fan of not being able to bend his body from being bundled up so tight. Here's me putting on my happy face because I survived the night, it was a close call!
Our Bambi friend~
And...happy to have made it home from all of our adventures safely :)

Why our blog should go private....

We love these little nudie shots of our rolie polie. I would go private, but I don't know how, so I just keep the nudies mild ;)
No, we don't routinely expose our child in public places, but we were the only ones at the park and this dirty diaper more than called for it. And another great picture opportunity right?! "Say cheese!" Flash!
"Mom, I said NO MORE NUDIE SHOTS!!!"
As a side note...I think he got his daddy's bum :)