Today I officially signed our family name with Baby Peanut attached at the end:"...
Love you guys!
Kevin , Kristen, Andy, and Baby Peanut"
That made it feel quite official. Lately I've been unsatisfying-ly eating whatever sounds the most edible in my pantry, (today's diet consisted on the following: Breakfast: Shredded Wheat, Snack: yogurt with peaches and granola, Lunch: chili with sour creme and cheese, Snack: chips and pico de gallo, Snack?: Lucky Charms, Snack?!: cashew clusters, Dinner: pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans...and the day is not over!) followed up with incessant teeth brushing, and perpetual nauseousness because although I feel driven to brush my teeth to ease the queasiness, my gag reflex is on hyper alert and thus it is counterproductive to brush my teeth as a remedy. Do I love it though?! No {I tried to convince myself one last time}. But because it all means I have a 2 cm tiny miracle inside of me, it is a welcome burden. We are so excited for another Gilbert baby! YAYYYY!!!
Ughhh, I feel sick. What's for dessert?!
And, just for the heck of it, a picture to capture shear determination:
No matter how hard he bit that bottom lip, the battery was still dead.
Seriously dudes, what am I going to eat for dessert?!