Monday, September 27, 2010


Call us bargain shoppers.
I tried to convince Kevin to spoil himself and buy a new truck, but even with the OK from his wife he went out and picked this beauty :). Although new would have been nice, no payments is much nicer for sure. We won't have anything depreciating on our driveway! Dave Ramsey would definitely approve! We went and picked her up in Portland and did some baby shopping along the way taking advantage of our new truck bed.

First gas up. She even comes with two tanks! They don't make them like that anymore :). We went for a Sunday drive last night and I sat right in the middle by Kev. Now we fit right into our humble (very much redneck) country town!
With all the money we saved we went to Joe's Crab Shack to celebrate.
Last stop of the day...Multnomah Falls. It was BEAUTIFUL even if we could hardly see it because we didn't leave ourselves with quite enough day light.
The waterfall is behind me in this picture, you're just going to have to take my word for it :). And this is me and baby at 32 weeks. The little hike up to this bridge would've definitely been easier a few weeks ago, but I still conquered it without much complaining and am feeling great! So grateful for an enjoyable pregnancy!!


  1. That is quite the pickup =) And I must say that you look amazing Kristen! So happy that your pregnancy is going well =)He'll be here before you know it!

  2. Thanks for the compliments...both on the truck and to me :). Haha! I took your last comment (about getting ready for the baby early and then having time drag on) quite seriously and have stalled my baby preparations :). Oh, Kev just got home...I heard his squeaky truck pull up. LOL!

  3. Ah, you look so great Kristen! I'm glad everything is going well.

  4. Kristen, you look SO great! Oh and I'm so impressed the canning bit...could you teach me a thing or two? :) Way to go sista! Miss ya! Did you know we moved out of our condo? We bought a home in Pleasant Grove. :) Can't wait till your little munchkin comes :)

  5. Yay! Finally I've found you again & now I'm current with your world. That is quite a snazzy truck - good job Kevin! And your canning - you are turning into a regular Holly Homemaker. I'm so proud of you! Glad to hear the baby is growing well...can't wait to see the real pics soon.
